SEO Terms and Conditions

Updated as of May 22, 2024
previous update: May 17, 2024

This Services Agreement (the "Agreement") contains the complete terms and conditions which govern your subscription of SEO services and other related services provided by NetizenWorks Web Design Services (the "Services"). As used in this Agreement, "NetizenWorks" means NetizenWorks Web Design Services, and "Client," "you," or "your" means you. By subscribing to our SEO services, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. As referred to in this Agreement, "Site" refers to a World Wide Web site, and "NetizenWorks Site" refers to the Site located at the URL or any other successor Sites owned or maintained by NetizenWorks, including and

Table of Clauses with Summary

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  1. Acceptance - By accepting a quote or making a payment, you agree to our terms and conditions without needing a physical signature.
  2. Changes of SEO Terms and Conditions -  We may update our SEO Terms at any time, with a 30-day notice for significant changes, and continued use after changes means you accept them.
  3. SEO Services Provided - Service charges are detailed in our quotes or invoices, valid for 15 days, with initial payments required for project commencement.
  4. Client Responsibilities: The Client must provide backend access, permissions for site alterations, access to traffic statistics, an official email address for outreach, and authorization to use assets necessary for SEO.
  5. Performance Disclaimer: No guarantee of specific results due to algorithm changes, competitive actions, website changes, external factors, and previous SEO work. No SEO agency can guarantee specific rankings or traffic. However, SEO has been proven to deliver positive results. See our SEO portfolio for examples.
  6. Refunds: Payments for SEO services are non-refundable, with full payment retained for canceled, delayed, or postponed projects.
  7. Default: If the Client defaults on any payment or fails to provide required access and permissions, NetizenWorks reserves the right to suspend or reduce services until the issue is resolved. Continued default for 30 days results in agreement termination and immediate payment of outstanding amounts.
  8. Payments: Invoices are due upon receipt, with proof of payment required; check payments incur a ₱2000 pickup fee, and we accept bank transfers or check deposits with receipts sent via courier.
  9. Price Increase: NetizenWorks reserves the right to increase pricing at the start of each Renewal Period with 30 days prior notice, due to operational costs, inflation, and workload increases.
  10. Termination: Services can be terminated post the minimum SEO subscription period, with all work billed to the termination date.
  11. Ethical Practices: We follow ethical SEO practices and will not be responsible for penalties due to duplicate content, link farms, hidden links, or automated submissions.
  12. SEO Services Credit: NetizenWorks may showcase the SEO work performed for the Client on various platforms, including our portfolio, social media, and marketing materials.
  13. Reviews & Testimonials: Client feedback may be requested and used for promotional purposes; NetizenWorks reserves the right to post reviews on the Client's Google account and other platforms where feedback is provided.
  14. Copyright: The Client retains copyright to the provided materials and grants NetizenWorks rights to use them for the website. The Client must ensure all third-party permissions are obtained.
  15. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to keep all proprietary information confidential, including tools, strategies, and reports.
  16. Indemnity: The client agrees to indemnify and hold NetizenWorks harmless against all liability arising from the publishing, distribution, or transmission of content provided by the Client.
  17. Liability: NetizenWorks' liability is limited to the amount paid for services, and we are not responsible for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.
  18. Governing Law: This agreement is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where NetizenWorks operates.
  19. Severability: If any part of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in effect.
  20. Entire Agreement: This document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior discussions, agreements, or understandings of any kind.

Web Design Terms & Conditions: Links to the Terms & Conditions of our Web Design Services

1. Acceptance

By accepting a quote and/or making a payment for our SEO services, the Client will be deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the terms applying and accepted these terms and conditions in full. Any purchase or use of our services implies that you have read and accepted our updated terms and conditions at the time of the transaction.

2. Changes of SEO Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material, we will provide at least 30 days' notice prior to any new terms taking effect. By continuing to access or use our Service after those revisions become effective, the Client agrees to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, you must stop using the service.

3. SEO Services Provided

NetizenWorks agrees to provide the Client with SEO services as described in the project quotation or any other document agreed by both parties. The featured scope of services, depending on the packages availed, includes, but is not limited to:

  • Conducting comprehensive keyword research to identify the right keywords to target according to intent and opportunity.
  • In-depth analysis for optimal website navigation for improvements in SEO.
  • Optimization and editing of on-page text/copy, HTML tags, and metadata as necessary.
  • Creating blog posts and/or publishing blog posts provided by the Client and ensuring they are optimized for targeted keywords.
  • Providing monthly traffic and ranking reports featuring performance on the Google search engine.
  • Acquiring “backlinks” from other related websites and directories to improve the authoritativeness of the Client’s site.

4. Client Responsibilities:

For the purposes of receiving the Services, Client agrees to provide the following:

  • Administrative (website backend) access for analysis of historical data, content, and structure.
  • Permission to make alterations to the site for the objective of optimization and to communicate directly with any third parties.
  • Access to existing website traffic statistics for analysis and tracking purposes.
  • Access to an official client email address (@domain or Gmail) for link outreach efforts.
  • Authorization to use Client’s assets (e.g., pictures, logos, trademarks, content) as deemed necessary for SEO.

5. Performance Disclaimer:

NetizenWorks provides no guarantee of specific results or outcomes as a result of the SEO services provided. While every effort is made to improve the visibility and performance of the Client's website on search engines, there are factors beyond NetizenWorks' control that can impact the effectiveness of these efforts. These factors include, but are not limited to:

  1. Search Engine Algorithms: Search engines regularly update their algorithms, which can affect how websites are ranked. NetizenWorks cannot guarantee that the strategies employed will always align perfectly with these algorithms.
  2. Competitive Landscape: The competitiveness of the industry and the strategies employed by competitors can impact the effectiveness of SEO efforts. NetizenWorks cannot control the actions of competitors or guarantee specific outcomes in competitive markets.
  3. Changes to Website: Changes made to the website by the Client or by third parties can impact SEO performance. NetizenWorks cannot guarantee results if such changes are made without consulting them.
  4. External Factors: Economic, market, or other external factors can impact website traffic and performance. NetizenWorks cannot control these external factors and cannot guarantee specific outcomes.
  5. Previous SEO Work: The effectiveness of SEO efforts can be influenced by previous SEO work done on the website. NetizenWorks cannot guarantee results if previous SEO work has negatively impacted the website's current standing.

NetizenWorks provides no guarantee of specific results or outcomes as a result of the SEO services provided. It is important to note that no SEO agency in the world can guarantee specific rankings or traffic numbers due to the dynamic nature of search engine algorithms and other external factors. However, SEO has been proven to deliver positive results for many businesses, improving their visibility and driving organic traffic to their websites.

NetizenWorks is committed to delivering high-quality SEO services and has a track record of success with previous clients. To see examples of our work and the results we have achieved, please visit our SEO portfolio page.

6. Refunds:

All professional fees for SEO services are non-refundable. Payments for SEO services are retained by NetizenWorks even if a project is canceled, delayed, or postponed by the Client. Any additional costs incurred beyond what has already been paid for shall be charged to the Client.

7. Default

If the Client defaults on any payment or fails to provide the required access and permissions, NetizenWorks reserves the right to suspend all or part of the SEO Services until the issue is resolved. This may include a reduction in the level of services provided based on the extent of the default. Continued default for a period of 30 days will result in termination of the agreement, and any outstanding payments for work completed up to the date of termination will be due immediately.

8. Payments

Invoices will be provided by NetizenWorks for payment. These are normally sent via email and paid through PayPal or via bank transfer. Invoices are due upon receipt unless a grace period is stated. The Client is obligated to send proof of payments whether it may be a screenshot of a transaction performed with online banking apps, a photo or a scanned copy of deposit slips made with bank branches. Payments made to NetizenWorks’ bank accounts and other payment channels without proof of payment will not be recognized, identified, and acknowledged that the payment was made by the Client. Unless proof of payment is provided, Client’s account with NetizenWorks will be considered unpaid.

For check payments, NetizenWorks will implement a strict check pickup fee of ₱2000 per transaction due to the high cost associated with this service. Alternatively, Clients can opt for bank transfers or check deposits, and we will send the official receipts via courier. NetizenWorks also encourages our clients to avail of our annual billing for subscriptions at a discounted rate.

9. Price Increase

Due to the continuous increase in operational costs, the cost of third-party services availed by NetizenWorks to deliver the services availed by the Client, inflation, and the potential workload increase caused by the Client’s organic growth in website traffic, NetizenWorks reserves the right and shall be entitled to increase the pricing of their packages and Subscription Fees at the start of each Renewal Period and upon 30 days prior notice to the Customer. NetizenWorks will provide a detailed breakdown of the reasons for the price increase upon request. The Client will receive a notification prior to the renewal date, outlining any changes in pricing for the upcoming period. Clients have the right to decline the price increase and terminate the agreement without penalty if they do not wish to continue with the increased pricing.

10. Termination

The Client fully understands and agrees to enter an exclusive subscription for a minimum period of six (6) months, unless this Agreement is terminated earlier in accordance with its terms. Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving the other party not less than one month's written notice.

Upon termination, NetizenWorks will invoice the Client for any work completed up to the date of termination. All provisions of the Terms which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, indemnity and limitations of liability. Upon termination, the Client agrees that NetizenWorks is no longer under obligation for support or development in relation to past rendered services.

11. Ethical Practices

NetizenWorks abides by ethical SEO practices and will not be responsible for any bans or search engine suspension for the following:

  1. Duplicate sites, duplicate content or pages, redirects, or doorway pages: Duplicate sites refer to creating multiple websites with similar content or purpose, which can be seen as an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings. Similarly, duplicate content or pages within the same website can confuse search engines and lead to lower rankings. Redirects are often used to redirect users from one URL to another, but excessive or deceptive redirects can be penalized. Doorway pages are low-quality pages that are optimized for specific keywords but provide little or no value to users. Consequences: Search engines may penalize the website by lowering its ranking or removing it from search results altogether.
  2. Link farms or any technique that may harm the website’s ranking with Google: Link farms are networks of websites that exist solely to link to other sites to manipulate their search engine rankings. Any technique that artificially manipulates links to a website can be harmful, such as buying links or participating in link exchange schemes. Consequences: Search engines can penalize the website by lowering its ranking or removing it from search results.
  3. Hidden links: Hidden links are links that are not visible to users but are placed on a webpage to manipulate search engine rankings. This can include using CSS to hide links, using tiny font sizes, or placing links behind images. Consequences: Search engines may penalize the website by lowering its ranking or removing it from search results.
  4. Automated website submission software or websites: Automated website submission software or websites are tools that automatically submit a website to numerous search engines or directories. While submission to search engines is generally acceptable, automated submissions in large volumes can be seen as spammy behavior. Consequences: Search engines may penalize the website by lowering its ranking or removing it from search results.

NetizenWorks takes a proactive approach to educate clients about these practices and helps them avoid unintentional violations. Clients are responsible for ensuring their compliance with ethical SEO practices, and NetizenWorks limits its liability for any negative consequences resulting from the Client's non-compliance. Periodic reviews of the Client's website may be conducted to ensure compliance, with corrective recommendations provided if needed.

12. SEO Services Credit

The Client agrees that the SEO services provided by NetizenWorks are credited to NetizenWorks regardless of contributions made by the Client or a third party. NetizenWorks may showcase the work performed for the Client on various platforms, including but not limited to:

  1. Portfolio Page: The Client agrees that the website or SEO project may be featured on the NetizenWorks portfolio page. This will include a description of the work performed and the results achieved.
  2. Social Media: NetizenWorks may showcase the work and results on its social media profiles, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, (Twitter), and others, providing exposure to the successful partnership.
  3. Case Studies and Blog Posts: Detailed case studies and blog posts may be published on the NetizenWorks website and other online platforms, illustrating the process, strategies employed, and outcomes of the SEO services provided.
  4. Marketing Materials: NetizenWorks may include the Client’s project in its marketing materials, including brochures, presentations, and other promotional content.
  5. Hidden Web Page: A hidden web page may be included in the Client’s website that credits NetizenWorks and explains the work commissioned by the Client.

The Client also agrees that these credits may be used for promotional purposes by NetizenWorks. This visibility helps demonstrate the quality and effectiveness of our services, ultimately benefiting both parties.

13. Reviews & Testimonials

NetizenWorks may request feedback from the Client regarding our services. Any provided feedback may be utilized on our website and in promotional materials. Furthermore, if the Client has established a Google account for our use during the web development phase, NetizenWorks retains the right to post a review of our services in the Client's Google account, under the Client's business name, contributing to our Google account business listing. This practice extends to other platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., where the Client has consented to providing feedback or testimonials.

15. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to keep confidential all information provided by the other party and not disclose such information to any third parties without prior consent, except as required by law. This includes but is not limited to, tools used, strategies implemented, and any proprietary information.

16. Indemnity

Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless NetizenWorks, its employees, directors, heirs, and assigns against all liability, loss, damage, and expense of any nature, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of the publishing, distribution, or transmission of any advertisement submitted by or on behalf of the Client or the linkage of any advertisement to any other material.

17. Liability

NetizenWorks shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, including loss of profits, revenue, data, or use, incurred by the Client or any third party, whether in an action in contract or tort, even if NetizenWorks has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The total liability of NetizenWorks for any claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall not exceed the total amount paid by the Client to NetizenWorks during the twelve (12) months preceding the date the claim first arose.

18. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Philippines, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved exclusively through the competent courts in Quezon City.

19. Severability

If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision.

20. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Client and NetizenWorks regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, proposals, or representations, written or oral, concerning its subject matter.

Contact Information

Company Registration: DTI BN No. 1902214 | BIR TIN No. 312-278-396
Place of Registration: QUEZON CITY, Metro Manila, Philippines
Physical Address: 17, Fatimaville, Road 15, Project 8, Quezon City.
Contact Form: